Designing a Wine and Beverage Label is an intensely personal undertaking for most wineries. The label is your opportunity to communicate the winery¡¯s spirit and your passion for creating a unique product. Relying on the brand logo and information about the wine alone, however, misses a critical opportunity to convey a more emotional message about the quality and uniqueness of your wines.
Words are critical. They can tell the story of your winery and describe the taste of your wine. But emotions can play a role, too.
Once a consumer opens the bottle, the wine¡¯s aroma draws them in through their sense of smell and then, as they take a sip, fully engages them through their sense of taste. The senses evoke visceral responses by engaging the emotions. It is less rational and more intuitive, something they feel in their gut. They simply ¡®know¡¯ they like it.
In this same way, the colors and images you use on your label speak to consumers¡¯ sense of sight and the texture of the paper to their sense of touch. Thus, the Wine Label connects more directly to their emotions than their cognitive response to words can. Studies have shown that touching a product makes consumers likelier to buy it, and paper textures encourage people to reach out to touch the label, evoking that feeling of ownership.