A bold title Ali Marpet Hoodie , don't you think? I mean, change is a complex thing, so to define five reasons seems to oversimplify the issue.
Let me be clear. There are far more pitfalls than these and far more possible reasons change doesn't have the desired effect. The key in this title isn't ?Five Reasons,? it is ?Leaders Fail.? Yes Donovan Smith Hoodie , there are many variables that can influence the success of change ? but some of them must be owned by those leading the change.
This article will identify some of those typical failures, and while it can't in this brief format give you all the answers, it can point you in the right direction and give you some suggested courses of action.
Lack of Commitment
George knew he had to shake things up in his team. Other departments were complaining that his department wasn't responsive or even accurate in their work at times. So he started looking for ways to improve some work processes and get the team's attention. He held a couple of meetings to explain the situation and ask for suggestions. He even got volunteers to look at some of the work processes and got the group some help to make this happen. But deep down, George didn't want to make these changes. He was happy with his team. He didn't have any major problems internally and was afraid these work process reviews were going to reveal that he had people that would need to go.
George was mouthing the words of change Vernon Hargreaves III Hoodie , but he wasn't really committed to the change himself.